While Krytox VPF 1525 fluids are inert and non-reactive to all elastomers, plastics, and metals, the soluble additives in Krytox? XP products have not been tested with all materials. Initial testing has shown no problems with Teflon? fluoroplastic resin, Kalrez? perfluoroelastomer parts, Viton? fluoroelastomer, nitrile, and silicone rubbers. The performance of the soluble additives could degrade at temperatures more than 182 °C (360 °F) over a long period of time.
High Vacuum Grease
Krytox LVP is a high vacuum grease formulated with a special low vapor pressure Krytox oil for high-vacuum applications. It is also useful for sealing laboratory glassware connections and as a thread lubricant/sealant.
Krytox VPF 1525,真空泵液體(ti)用于(yu)傳統(tong)真空泵油導致安全(quan)、廢物處理和維(wei)護(hu)問題的(de)應(ying)用。它們是不可燃的(de),可以消除(chu)水泵著火的(de)可能性(xing)。它們是無反(fan)應(ying)的(de),在氧氣(qi)系統(tong)中使用是安全(quan)的(de)。它們可以取代競爭性(xing)的(de)PFPE流體(ti)以及(ji)任何(he)其他(ta)類型的(de)真空流體(ti)。氪(ke)星? 液體(ti)不含縮醛基,易(yi)受路(lu)易(yi)斯酸侵蝕。Krytox給(gei)你這個? 作為(wei)一種(zhong)真空泵流體(ti),具有優異的(de)穩(wen)定性(xing)。Krytox真空流體(ti)經過精(jing)確蒸(zheng)(zheng)餾(liu),可提供(gong)低蒸(zheng)(zheng)汽壓(ya)和卓越性(xing)能。此外,Krytox液體(ti)是可回收的(de)。