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這種(zhong)特殊高(gao)效稠化劑的(de)熔(rong)點為325°C(617°F),具(ju)有低分子量和亞微米(mi)(0.2 m)粒徑,可提(ti)高(gao)軸承性能。Krytox GPL 205潤滑脂是一種(zhong)白(bai)色的(de)黃油(you)狀潤滑脂,其所有特性與制(zhi)造它的(de)Krytox GPL 105機油(you)相(xiang)同(tong),但它是一種(zhong)潤滑脂形式。
標準(zhun)潤滑脂稠(chou)度(du)為(wei)NLGI 2級滲透(tou)(265–295)。更軟或(huo)更硬的NLGI滲透(tou)等級可根(gen)據特殊訂單制造。
Krytox GPL 205 is food grade NSF H-1 Rated for incidental food contact. To learn more about applications regarding food grade greases click on the link below. As with the full line of Krytox lubricants, Krytox oils and greases deliver superior performance with advanced features of high-temperature stability, nonflammability, and chemical and biological inertness. Krytox lubricants will not carbonize or form gummy deposits that typically cause failures, nor will they evaporate. Therefore, maintenance costs can be significantly reduced.
Special nonmelting XHT grades are available for applications that are higher than the 325 °C (617 °F) melting point of the standard PTFE thickener.