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由于(yu)Krytox的(de)熱(re)穩定性和非氧化特性,Krytox是(shi)一(yi)種天然的(de)高(gao)(gao)溫潤(run)滑(hua)劑。Krytox XHT潤(run)滑(hua)脂的(de)有效溫度范(fan)圍高(gao)(gao)達360°C(680°F),可連續使用,峰(feng)值溫度高(gao)(gao)達400°C(752°F),并定期重新潤(run)滑(hua)。
Krytox XHT-BDZ series oils are special extreme high temperature greases with low oil evaporation that are thickened with a non-melting thickener to allow use at temperatures above the melting point of common greases. They have excellent lubrication over a broad temperature range. Krytox XHT-BDZ series greases are nonflammable and chemically inert. Krytox allows extended lubrication intervals and longer equipment life.
Krytox XHT-BDZ greases are designed for use where the temperatures are in the 288 °C (500 °F) range and higher, where there is a danger of melting the standard PTFE thickener. This grease uses a special non-melting high temperature thickener. The base oil is an extremely viscous oil that provides good viscosity and lower evaporation at high temperatures. Krytox XHT-BDZ greases are for use in low speed bearings or in pillow housings and will shear at high speeds, causing loss of oil in sealed bearings. The oil in the grease can begin to slowly evaporate at temperatures above 330 °C (626 °F), and this will occur at an increasing rate as temperatures increase. Re-lubrication could be required at these temperatures to achieve optimum life.